This is a village called Grabian, where we did street evangilism
with the team from Florida. Many people were interested in
was going on. Some of you have either seen or done this drama
in the past. It is called The Chair and is one of my favorite dramas
to see and perform. Here, Annette and J.D. are performing it in
front of a very large crowd. The Lord used this along with music,
testimonies, and preaching to lead individuals to Christ that day!
always a big hit and sometimes pure chaos!!!
This video was taken just before the teams got here around the
middle of June. This was outside our flat and the many people are
gathered because voting was just about to take place in a couple
days for a new leader in Albania. In the weeks before the elections
took place it was common to see people driving by with VERY loud
music playing promoting whatever party or candidate they were
for. This would happen multiple times during each day or night.
This was sort of a rally just gathered in the middle of the street.
People left there cars in the middle of the street everywhere just
blocking the road. But no one seemed to mind that much. It is just
a part of what goes on here and is what normal.
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