This is at a missionary's house who is an Englishwoman
married to a gypsy man. Ironic!
Yet, there's just something right about that.
He is the pastor of the church here.
This man had a hard life. I only remember a few details because
there were so many people who were suffering and had a hard life
I can't remember who has been through what.
Some experienced death, some diseases, some disfigurements,
some mental impairments, some were grandmas raising their
grandchildren and had no idea where their daughter was,
some were eating bread and peppers and had nothing else,
some had spouses leave them. These may seem like not that hard,
but here there aren't government programs and support groups
and other things to help them. If you are a woman with children
and your husband leaves you, how do you receive income?
What hope do you have? I don't know how the older women survive.
Most of their husbands have died and their too old to work.
How do they get money to live?
there were so many people who were suffering and had a hard life
I can't remember who has been through what.
Some experienced death, some diseases, some disfigurements,
some mental impairments, some were grandmas raising their
grandchildren and had no idea where their daughter was,
some were eating bread and peppers and had nothing else,
some had spouses leave them. These may seem like not that hard,
but here there aren't government programs and support groups
and other things to help them. If you are a woman with children
and your husband leaves you, how do you receive income?
What hope do you have? I don't know how the older women survive.
Most of their husbands have died and their too old to work.
How do they get money to live?
This is one woman's ceiling.
This is a crib.
This woman could not stop kissing me long enough to even take this pic.
The outreach was because someone from another country donated
a bunch of money for food packages for the really poor people.
We just delivered them and recorded it all to send back to the donor.
She just kept praising God and kissing us. Here's a couple pics of her house.
The outreach was because someone from another country donated
a bunch of money for food packages for the really poor people.
We just delivered them and recorded it all to send back to the donor.
She just kept praising God and kissing us. Here's a couple pics of her house.
This is her ceiling.
We could see the sky through the hole and that's mold all around it.
We could see the sky through the hole and that's mold all around it.
This is a ditch they dug INSIDE her house to drain the rain that comes
in through the hole in the ceiling. There's something in me that screams,
"This is unacceptable!!" It's hard to see the way these people live.
I didn't want to leave the first house we went to, but we had 50
packages to hand out! We decide next time we do this,
we will do less packages that are bigger so we can spend more time
with the families we deliver to.
in through the hole in the ceiling. There's something in me that screams,
"This is unacceptable!!" It's hard to see the way these people live.
I didn't want to leave the first house we went to, but we had 50
packages to hand out! We decide next time we do this,
we will do less packages that are bigger so we can spend more time
with the families we deliver to.
Wow, those pictures hit hard. That is somebody's day to day.. and they really have no one to help. Thank the Lord for waking up the few to reach out to those who have little hope! Lord, wake the rest of us up..
I got to visit this village when I was in your city (and Esther made me an amazing lasagna!). I wish I could come visit and do an outreach with y'all! Give my love to them when you go visit again.
thank you, truly and honestly. :)
Wow, that really puts things into perspective for me here in America. I have so much and I'm sure I don't praise the Lord for it enough. That's so great that you guys were able to do this outreach! You are seriously too cool. Can't wait for the next post.
Dominick - when God "wakes you up" :), ask Him to send you here!
Christina - I am so looking forward to connecting with you again so soon!
Augusta - Remember, missionaries are human, broken, & flawed. Anytime you see someone doing good things for God, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, praise GOD! He is the only One who can do good (filthy rags, right?), it's just through vessels of dirt. Also, focusing on God's amazing qualities, you won't get disappointed by people you could hold in high esteem if you were to see them fail, because you knew all along only God deserved glory! By the way, you are a precious woman.
Mmm, Jamie, you are so right! I actually just blogged something along the same lines as that. Life should never about us, it's ALWAYS got to be about Jesus. Thanks so much for reminding me of that.
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