Monday, October 6, 2008

These women are making a traditional Albanian drink called Raki
(with the ki stressed when you say it) That first container on the far
left is holding grapes that have been fermented for like 10 days or so.
The big container is holding water with a pipe running through it.
The liquid from the grapes drips into the pipe and you see it
come out the other side and drip into that plastic jug on the ground.
I (Tim) tried some and man was it strong! It left a weird sensation
in my throat for a while and they said not to drink too much
or I'd get drunk. I think I'll pass next time.

Kya is improving her drawing skills right now.
We have been working with her to draw faces.
This wonderful masterpiece is of Mommy and Kadence.
She was pretty proud of it. Mommy has grown
a little more facial hair since we moved here. :)

This couple is our landlords. There are three flats here,
we live on the third floor and they live on the second.
Their names are Ladi and Nico. One day I was walking up
the stairs and Ladi told me to come with him to the bottom.
He went around the corner and pulled a live chicken out
and butchered him right there. Lots of blood, which
I don't do so well with. Anyways, after the head stopped
flopping around and the blood stopped, they plucked him
and cooked him up. They brought some up the next afternoon
for us so we had a free lunch that day.

This ride is at a park about a four minute walk from our flat.
Kya loves this ride and this was Kadence's first time on it.
They also have a train ride, trampolines, and a gated play
area with swings, cars and toys. The rides cost about 65
cents apiece. It's a nice treat once in a while for the girls,
but if was up to Kya, she would go on it everyday. At the
end of the video, Kya is a concerned older sister saying,
"Daddy, she's not holding on." : )


sundog said...

Jamie and Tim,

I love reading your blog! Thanks so much for keeping all of us up to date... it is such a blessing. I remember the first time I saw a chicken slaughtered... it was the body that kept going instead of the head. Looks like you were able to enjoy the chicken anyway! I love the drawing of Mommy... you're looking good Jamie. Are you gonna use that grape stuff for communion? :) We love you!

christina said...

Hi Tim and Jamie,
We miss you guys and the kids. Sounds like things are fun, but crazy in your Albanian living. How is language learning going? We finish our homestay next Tuesday- yippie! Kujdes- Jiae and Christina