Kya is carrying water jugs here - we put her to work around here. : )
Every few days, Tim takes these to a truck right down the street
that visits daily dispersing water for us to drink,
wash produce in, cook with, etc.
October 14th, we celebrated our 8 year anniversary!
A couple from the OM team offered to watch the girls
so we could go out for dinner. Thanks, Matias and Sue. : )
Here, you see flowers from Tim, and a chocolate coffee cheesecake
made by Jamie for Tim. When we went out for dinner that night,
we walked to a restaurant about 1 mile away on a hill
overlooking Lushnje. Jamie wore high heels and by the time we
got there she already had blisters on both feet.
It's one thing to wear high heels in the States where you drive
everywhere. It's something else when you walk a mile away
on the broken uneven streets of Albania. The meal was interesting.
The soup we had was super rich and full of oil/butter.
Our next dish was cold veggies with potatoes and they were
literally swimming in oil there was so much in the plate.
Then we had the main course of fried chicken (which
was a little tough) and french fries. The bill was way
more than we had anticipated, but without menus it was
hard to know. On the way home, Jamie walked barefoot while I
held her shoes. We got a whole lot of stares on the way home
and we just had to laugh about the whole evening.
Maybe it wasn't the anniversary night out we had hoped for,
but it most certainly created a lasting memory for years to come.
Here's a little worship sample from our church. You can see
Kadence right in the first row from where Tim is filming.
Erna, an missionary here from Paraguay is holding her. There is no
childcare during services. We are so grateful for people like her
and others who have helped watch them and distract them so we
can enjoy the worship and hear the teaching sometimes.