Tuesday, April 28, 2009

As many of you know, Jamie and I love doing and teaching mimes and
dramas. This is the first one we were able to teach and perform in front
of the church during Easter. Actually, it was the week after Easter which

was the Orthodox Easter here. It was an evangelistic service at our church
and these two boys go to our church and love being in dramas. One of
them wants to be an actor when he grows up. This particular mime
is called "The Healer". Some of you have seen it before and even though
we have performed it many times, it's still one of my favorites.

We just put this video on here to show you how the girls like having
fun. Kya is goofing off for Kadence and she loves it. We are so
thankful that they have each other to play with.

This is a march for Jesus that was organized by some of the local
pastors in our city. The march took place in a city nearby, and people
from different churches and cities showed up to support and be
a part of it. It was very encouraging and I believe the town we
were in was mostly Orthodox. This was on Saturday, April 18,
the day before the Orthodox Easter. After we marched down
some of the streets, we stopped in the town center where there
was a stage set up. We had worship, preaching, and some
of the local pastors came up and prayed over that city with
different requests. Even though all the churches were not
represented or present, it was a great step in uniting our
community and churches together. And in this day and
age that is a tiny miracle in itself! Praise the Lord!

My (Tim) parents came to visit us in April for 2 weeks. It was
such a joy to have them here. They were able to experience
quite a bit while they were here. A march in the capitol for Jesus
(see below). A team coming over. All of our ministries. But I
think one of their favorite parts of being here was hanging
out with the grandchildren and playing with them. I know
our kids loved having grandma and grandpa here and we
are so grateful they were able to come and visit.
We miss you guys a lot!!!

This was Easter Sunday in Tirana, the capitol of Albania. This
was another march but was much larger with many believers
from all over the country showing up. It was really a fantastic
time of spreading the Good News and letting all of Albania know
that Jesus is very much alive in the hearts and lives of many
people here. Christianity is not recognized as an "official"
religion here and this march was not at all a march of
protest but to show God's love and make His name known
here in this country. There was also worship, teaching, prayer,
and a general excitement that filled the air this day. It
was a privilege and honor to be a part of.


Anonymous said...

Awesome! The Healer brings back some good memories.. Jamie did you show the guys how to play the the piano while your facing away from the audience?? :)
good times,
love you guys

Anonymous said...

Hey, I know that drama! Okay, this was years ago, but do you remember when Natalie and Len brought us over to your house and we taught one of your mission teams this drama? That was really awesome. Anyways, I'm so glad you guys got to do drama for your church--it's so powerful!

That is so cool about the Jesus marches!
Looks like you guys are keeping busy! I'll keep you in prayer. :)


Shelley Family said...

Hahahaha!! I remember switching off with doing the air drums, piano and the guitar. Memories...


Shelley Family said...

Hahahaa!! I remember switching off with the air drums, piano and guitar! Memories...