One morning as I (Jamie) was having my time with God,
I just looked out at the city. So many people - 40,000 here,
if you include the surrounding villages, it's 100,000. There are only
5 churches here. That may seem fine, but we go to the second biggest.
It's about 30-35 people. Just the realization of how many people here
that don't know God and their final destination is overwhelming.
I have no doubt we are right where God wants us to be. Please,
continue to pray for the Lord of the Harvest to send out workers
into the field.
This morning we heard loud music and went to see what was going on.
These are gypsies walking down the street playing music for money
right outside our flat. It is normal to see gypsy children beating on
boxes with sticks or a drum completely taped up for money. We so
look forward to when we can hang out with and minister to these
people - maybe join them and play some music together. We will
know the language soon enough to do that!
OM team here come over and play and laugh together. The team here
consists of 8 or 9 other people from all walks of life and from all over
the world. They have blessed us very much welcoming us in and showing us
around. We have meetings twice a week for prayer and worship, etc.
We'll get a pic of that soon.